Students who are "legally blind" have some usable vision.  Students may be totally without sight, while others in this category may have significant eyesight.  Some students have individually prescribed low vision aids such as monoculars, personal CCTV devices, and magnifying glasses.   

Types of Vision Loss

Macular Degeneration is a common eye condition where central vision deteriorates.  Reading, recognizing faces and all work requiring focus of sight becomes difficult.

Diabetic Retinopathy results in patches of vision loss and lacks sharpness across the visual field.  It becomes difficult to read and drive.

Glaucoma is often caused by increased pressure inside the eye, which damages the optic nerve.  This results in a loss of peripheral vision.

Retinitis Pigmentosa causes tunnel vision, where only small patches of vision remain.  Moving around becomes difficult and unsafe.

Cataracts occur when the lens of the eye becomes cloudy.  It leads to blurred vision and sensitivity to glare.

Blindness is the loss of all useful vision, even though shades of light and dark still may be visible. 

Accommodation Examples

  • Some students take notes for themselves by printing large with a felt tip marker and bold lined paper.
  • Some students will rely on a volunteer note-taker in the class.
  • Some students will record the lectures.
  • A white board may need to be used for low vision.
  • Provide large print tests.
  • Read the test to the student.
  • Allow additional time for tests.
  • Use the CCTV for magnification of print.
  • Use assistive technology to access computers.
  • Seating near front of class.
  • Electronic format for syllabi, assignments, readings, resources.