Drug/Alcohol Abuse Policy and Prevention

Drug/Alcohol Abuse Policy and Prevention
Mineral Area College and the Board of Trustees have adopted a Zero Tolerance Policy regarding the possession, consumption, or sale of alcohol or illegal drugs on campus. Board policy allows for alcoholic beverages on campus in special circumstances when approved by the President of the College.
The following web pages provide information regarding legal policies and prevention.
Applicable State Law on Alcohol Possession and/or Use:
- Minor in Possession of Alcohol
- Sale or Supplying Alcohol to a Minor
- Applicable Missouri Drug Regulation Laws
- Federal Drug Classification Schedules
- Federal Drug Trafficking Penalties
Information on Alcohol Abuse and Prevention:
- Risks of College Drinking
- Underage Drinking in Missouri
- Information on Drug Abuse and Addiction
- Information on Drug Abuse Prevention
- Alcohol and Drug Abuse Treatment Services